Saturday, October 11, 2008

I have been tagged in the sevens

Ok so... Liz tagged me and I ussualy don't do this stuff but I'm bored and this one seemed kinda fun, haha. Anyway so I don't know maybe u'll learn something new about me :)

7 Things I Can Do:
I can dance...

I can sleep REAL good :)
I can listen to music all day!
I can quote like every Gene Kelly movie
I can watch the twilight trailer like 100 times in a row:)
I can irritate people really easily ;)... sorry
I can spend all day with Tony, do nothing, and not be bored :)

7 Things I Can't Do:
I can't be still.

I can't take it when people don't talk... ;)
I can't go to bed early... like I really can't
I can't live without my phone
I can't go a day without talking to Tony, Liz, or Nikky.

7 Things That Attracted Me to Tony (and still do)
His smile
His approach in life
His gentlemanliness
His humor and openess
His work ethics, and patience

His testimony
His tenderness and respect for me

7 Things I Say Most Often
I don't even know...

Ok so ya...
what the crap... (thanks Liz)
love you!
oh my goodness...

7 Celebrity Admirations
Lucille Ball

Jennifer Aniston
Gene Kelly
my amazingly famous brother... HA, not. but I can't think of anyone else really. Sure I like alot of people but I'm not sure if I would say I admire them...

7 Favorite Foods
Mexican Caviar

ALL SEAFOOD (esp. sushi, shrimp/prawns, salmon, crab)
burgers... haha who woulda thought
green bean casserole
beer bred
escargot... it's amazing

7 People to Tag

Nikky Bennet
Mom and Dad, hehe
...Ok so here's whats up I don't have alot of friends, well that have blogs so ya Tony and my parents need to make one, Tony might, but I don't think my parents will :)



Christy said...

What the like in mad cow Burgers!!!! hahahaha I think I must have read that one wrong!

So I talked to Nicole and she wants us all to go see Twilight the night she gets home (11/22) Also she said she's been trying to text you...I told her ya, she won't answer your text lol. So I gave you her email.

Love ya,

Jessica said...

Hey sis! So I just wanted to tell you I love you so much and am really sorry that you have to go through this but I am right here when you need me. I love you so much and can't lose you. I will give you a big hug tomorrow so ya. You know how to contact me. Love you so much. You mean the world to me. Love you again. I said that a lot but I really do. smooches and hugs xoxo