Tuesday, August 19, 2008


OK so it's been a crazy summer! Interesting, weird, fun, busy, a little stressful, but overall amazing summer. I would have to say its been the most memorable summer of my life, for sure. I have performed my last recitals as a student, and everyone that is important to me was there, and I had the privilege of Liz staying at my house for the week of the show, she was so supportive, and lets just say she changed my life :) After the shows I got the opportunity to be a part the the Celebrity Crew staff, which is a dance competition. When I returned home, I had summer session, and then headed off to Florida for IDC nationals. We did very well, and I had a lot of fun not only at the competition, but enjoying the company of my family and friends in Disney World.  After this trip I was home for a few days, which was when the most amazing guy became a part of my life. After two incredible days together, which consisted of a small hike to a river where we sat and talked for hours, and a lovely lunch the next day. It was time for me to leave for Colorado to visit Liz and stay with her, and her family.I was there for 15 days, which was a great break for me. I had an absolutely amazing time. We did yoga, heated yoga, hot yoga (Ya I don't think I'd ever do that again, haha) watch movies, play games, we had a picnic at the Garden of the Gods, we went to church and talked to the missionaries, and over all just talked a lot. When I returned home I stayed with my best friend Nikky, because my family went on a fishing trip in Canada, where my Mom suprisingly caught a 22 Ib. fish! The next few days Tony (That's the amazing guys name :)) and I went hiking at Eatonville Falls, along with Nikky, and we swam on top of a waterfall, and relaxed in the sun, it was a blast. The next day Tony planned a trip for us to go to Ocean Shores. It was awesome, we went skim boarding, boogie boarding, had a picnic on the beach listened to music, and the waves, and just enjoyed each others company :) Now this week is choreography week, and I think our dances are going to be amazing!!! I'm really excited for this coming year. OK I'm done, wow that was a lot, it's been a pretty intense summer. DON'T FORGET TO SMILE :)


Liz said...

Hey, good job on your blog! Now you need to add lots of pictures! Pictures of us, pictures of you and Tony and Nikky! Well, Love ya...

Melissa said...

hey! ok so i'm knew at this whole thing so i don't really know what i'm doing haha. but i want to some how leave a comment and say i love you so much. your amazing titta bear! i'm gonna miss you while i'm off at western :(