Tuesday was a very interesting day for me. It was very emotional... hopeful, sad, happy, curious, nervous, peaceful, concerned, confident, content, weird, and loved. All of these things I felt over an 8 1/2 hour talk. This talk reminded me that I always need to be open-minded, open-hearted, with a contrite spirit. I feel so comfortable with my faith, and love in the gospel, and question after question, that doesn't change. With the gospel comes such a wonderful peace that nothing else could ever fill. As I was talking to a wise lady she said, " Your faith journey is a never-ending winding road, you will make mistakes, and you will learn lessons. " Then a wise man said, " I believe you have found God... and I do not judge anyone that is searching for the truth, just remember to follow Jesus." When these things were said there were many things running through my mind. I could have looked at this almost like a slap in the face, but what they are saying is absolutely true. And the biggest feeling I received was happiness. Because I know that I HAVE found the truth, because I HAVE followed Jesus, and I did let them know that. Any way after our long, extremely draining talk, we were able to respect one another, and wanted this conversation to continue. I am so thankful that God has given me people to help me understand things, to make me feel loved, and to strengthen my testimony. All of my wonderful friends that are reading this, know that I love you SO much! Which is probably like 2-3 of you haha. I hope you have a wonderful day... know that you're loved xoxo