So New years eve was pretty much amazing!!! Better than i thought it would be actually. I went over to Chad's house around six, then me, him, and his family went out to dinner. nummy! Then we went back to his house Nikky came over, and brought Chelsey, and Chelsey's sister... ya they did not wanna be there ha. oh ya then we watched the stupidest video of me and nikky, because nikky just happened to have it in her purse, wow that was embarrassing... anyway then we went to the YSA dance at the fairgrounds it was so much fun!!! I'm not gonna li i was a lil worried at first because right when we got there this guy was singing a rap about elders and brother, ya a lil scary but it was funny... (thats when chelsey and her sister left) haha but anyway after the "SUPER COOL" rap the dance was way fun, i met some new friends and hung out with some old friends... oh ya and this guy, his name was Riker asked me if I wanted to swing dance with him, and I told him I didn't know how to swing dance...ha. so he taught me a few things and I actually got the hang of it, it was so much fun :) After alot of dancing me and nikky had to leave at 11:00 so we could be at home with our family at 12:00. I went home and Melissa came over and me, her, and hannah (my cuz) made cupcakes at 1 in the morning, it was a lot of fun, and they turned out really good, we ended up going to bed about 3:00, and all of us smushed in my bed, but that wasn't a problem I've had 5 in my bed before ha. but anyway over all I had a great New years Eve!!!I hope all of you had a good new years, and have a wonderful year!!! love you friends!!! xoxo.